Monday, March 23, 2009

First Shamless Post.

I have nothing much to say in this post, except, I've spent my whole life riddled with shame and guilt, I'm pretty much done with that trip, though I'm sure I've still got a souvenir or two.

Wanta join me on my shameless trip into the present?

Well come on then!


  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I know it was quite awhile ago, but better late than never, right? And wow, SEVEN boys! I don't know about you, but I feel different from mothers of girls. Or feel they're different from me. Sometimes, I swear I can tell whether a woman has boys or girls. (although realistically, most have both!)
    I grew up in a female dominated family with no brothers and didn't know anything about boys. And now I wouldn't know what to do with a girl. Aren't boys great!

  2. Hey, thanks for commenting on my post. I wanted to return the favor! =)

    You know, this was an interesting post. I was amazed you wrote it. I love such honestly.

    I recently went to a hypno therapist to help me with my insomnia, she commented that she had never seen someone so motivated by guilt. I had never thought of myself as motivated by guilt, but I do see it now. Somewhat anyway.

    So, you have seven boys! More power to ya! I have four and one girl. I think being a mom is the hardest job I've ever had!

  3. Yes I Would Definitely Like To Join Your Blog .....Now Its Your Space And Time And We Are With You
